part of my world


Monday, December 26, 2005

A Christmas tale

A few months back, I was standing in front of a mirror in Theme deciding real hard, fighting a mind battle of practicality vs preferability - champagne or maroon?

Practicality won eventually and I got champagne but somehow it's jealous twin, maroon seems to be lurking and leering everytime I walk into Theme.

Then yesterday, Cheryl passed me a nicely wrapped red box. Felt like a shoe box.. uhuh..

To my uttermost surprise, it's maroon

edit: didn't include pic as well

Haha. Welcome to the family!!

God bless her =)


God is indeed Almighty. Sprained my toe while practising yesterday. The next day it hurts like crap and decides to swell up. Of all days, it has to happen at such a time. Couldn't really move properly let alone dance, but nothing can stand in God's way. I was limping my way to the stage and when the chords to 'Angels from the Realms of Glory' were played, I took my first step. Am amazed and in awe. My feet wasn't stiff and it doesn't hurt. It felt normal. I could move and execute steps like I was never injured. Praise God!

A belated MERRY CHRISTMAS to all~~

posted by Charis at 4:41:00 am
