part of my world


Monday, November 19, 2007

The bitter pharmacist

Yeah, it has been awhile since I last sat and blogged.

It has been awhile too that I have time to myself. I was very the happening then so hence the MIA *ahem*cough*ahem*

Now that I have shifted out of the quarters which housed me comfortably for a year and 2 months, I have to begin to adapt again to the new place. No where far, still in the same town but away from what I grew so familiar with over the year.

There was of course the initial depression when I felt so alone and alienated and new. Then later it became boring. Then much later it progressed to routine. Now, it's aimless.

Together with my job, it's like a combo. It makes me lazy now. Reeeeaaaaaaaaly LAZY!
I am turning typical. Some of my close crappy friends already commented that I am turning into a typical. HA HA


Working in a clinic is such a vast, humungous different from a hospital where money, staff n possibly everything is aplenty. Here, we are the lowest hierachy in the health care system where everything are leftovers, the big juicy meat will be devoured by the hospitals and we get the crumbs. Be grateful I tell you, for there are such things that you are left starving too. So if u get a crumbly crumb.. start Thanksgiving early.

Then comes the difference in patients. Back in my nice poshy hospital, they'll sit down like a civilised person and pretends listens to you until you finished your dispensing speech. Now.. they don't even look at you, they'll just grab their free medication and walk off until one day I was so pissed of when I was holding a Benadryl trying to explain how much to drink, that .. THAT patient just trying to wrenched it from my grasp that I snatched it back and ask him to be the pharmacist instead. Tell me now how to take it and he just shoke his head. That .. THAT person I so the wanna land my fist on his face. URGHhh..
I don't care if you don't get well, I also don't care if you died overdose but pleeeease don't blame it on me for not telling you how much n how to take it. Because I bloody well DID but you weren't LISTENING!!

Anyway, of course there are classic ones which after I gave them all their drugs, they noticed their life-or-death Benadryl is missing. Then they asked me where it is. Then I said, the dr didn't write it so hence it's missing. Then she complained and whined and asked why did the dr forget. You see, I really agree with you out there, I must have missed the mindreading class during Pharmacy school. How the heck am I supposed to know. Forgot kua. So I asked her to go to see the dr again and asked him to write la.. maybe he forgotten. And she nicely sulked and said, "Moi, you pegi tanya sendiri la" WAH. As if my fault la that you don't get your Benadryl.


Anyway, of course there are the nice ones. Those who make your day with just a simple smile and a word of thanks. I'll blog about them when I feel nice the next time. Till then.. I need to chill. My zits are popping out because of the stresses.

posted by Charis at 7:57:00 pm
