part of my world


Saturday, December 02, 2006


How much things can change over time and how much more things can change when you are met with different circumstances.

Things changes when we are in a new environment. Wants, wishes, desires, needs and expectations will somehow over the course of time, through adaptation, will change pretty drastically. It's very much like Darwin's evolution theory. When placed in a new surrounding, one will learn to adapt and develop characteristics demanded from them for survival. The weak will learn to find the quiet strength in them and fight; the timid will learn to be bold and stand up; the quiet will find the voice to speak up; the arrogant will learn humbleness, realizing it's a symbiotic world we are living in, depending on one another to meet each other’s needs, that no man can be an island; and the naive will learn to ripen up and face the world.

Molded according to the die so that one could fit in and not be left out, one will develop or perhaps find in him qualities and manner that he never knew existed in him or could possibly possess. At times, it can be surprising and amusing, learning and rediscovering yourself again.

So Darwin is not entirely wrong... if the theory is applied to emotional characteristics instead of physical characteristics (proves again that man are shallow...sigh). A new environment DOES bring out a different person. A different environment can change a person. It can make you happy if you just shut up, stop complaining and look at the bright side. You will survive. If you choose to complain, feel depress and DECIDE to hate it, chances are that you will STILL survive (humans are actually made of pretty tough stuff) and STILL be happy... as happy as those flies dining on cow dung.

So lesson of the day, shut up and live with it! Others have it worst than you and yet they are not complaining simply because smart people knows that by babbling on and on about it will not change things. Learn how to accept changes because changes will not adapt to you. Changes can be your friend or your enemy depending on how you see it.

Oh how I wish i could stuff that apple in that big gab..

posted by Charis at 12:40:00 pm
