part of my world


Monday, July 24, 2006

Adam, Chinese?

We all know very well that Chinese loves food.

We all also know very well that Chinese eat all sorts of food.

Chinese are well known for their penchant for game where they consume 'exotic' meats like that of dogs, tortoise, alligators, squirrels, monkeys, etc..

Give them a meeting, they'll end up having a dinner
Give them a gathering, they'll end up with dinner too
Any darn social meet-up that involves more than 2 person will end up somehow with food.

The common saying goes "Chinese eats anything under the sky that is 4 legged except the table"

Today, I heard a classic:

"Adam, is therefore not a Chinese because he would have eaten that serpent in the Garden of Eden"


Theory of the day:

What colour we choose to wear reflects our current mood


Reflection time:

I am confused with myself lately... and I'm worried what if...

I admit I don't take defeat easily especially if it's something that you've put all your heart into.. because I have always believe that no matter how difficult or impossible a thing is, as long as you are dedicated and give it all you have, somehow, someday, it will bear fruit. Someday, it will be all worth it...

Sadly it does not work out like that, the logical perfect equation.

Because something is missing..


Perhaps it is a way God is protecting you

Perhaps He is has something better in store for you

Perhaps in His divine omnipotence that He knows it will do more harm

Perhaps it is just not His will

Perhaps it is a reminder to humans that the world doesn't work the way you want it to

Perhaps it is to remind us that we are not in control of circumstances

Perhaps it is just a blunt reminder that we are afterall just humans...

Only He can see the big picture.

What I perceive good might be bad in return. I did learn my lesson.

Going on my own, You allow me,

When all bliss has passed and the flames burned out,

I came running to You,

Scarred, confused and sorry,

You gently reminded me,

"Child, My ways are not yours..

Just trust Me"

But why not?

It'll only be answered when it is reviewed to me.

I'll have to wait..

Somehow I know deep inside, I'll never be able to fathom His wisdom, the masterpiece He paints, the roads ahead so perfectly crafted and His love.

I will be in awe..

Forever grateful..

This day I shall wait.

posted by Charis at 12:43:00 am
