part of my world


Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Let the excitement begins!

Read Mich's email and she said she received some letter from SPA.. Ooolala!

So remembering I heard the motorcycle engine of the postman an hour ago.. I flew down the flight of stairs and zoomed straight to the post box.. Tadaaaa~~

Indeed.. letter from SPA for me too!

Ripped it open and...

location... location... give me a location, any location will do.....

Nope. No location... yet.

It's an offer letter offering me the post and as a confirmation that I've passed the interview (which they only post the results after a 3 weeks delay!!!) plus lots of sumpah forms, check-ups and all. As for the location, sedikit masa lagi it seems.

"Arahan penempatan dan tarikh melaporkan diri bertugas akan dikemukakan...... sedikit masa lagi"

Kim told me that after once you received your interview results, the posting should arrive 2-4 weeks after (some client charter they have).

So soon??

Hehe. Now that it is drawing nearer, I an dreading it as the few care-free months was such a bliss!

Sedikit masa lagi...

Oh well...

posted by Charis at 2:46:00 am
