part of my world


Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Walaaaa~~ I'm back!

Aiyoo.. it's been like y.e.a.r.s!!!! since my last entry. I thought blogspot would shut this down already coz it has been inactive for too long =P

I was at
Kanasai's page and i found my link! Thanks naybor for not removing it afterall, it has been dead for like erm.. 3 years?? hehe =PPpppp But now, i have hopefully revived it!
It was then that i began reading my previous posts.. It made me smile and how "green' i was back then and defferently I look at things now. It too reminded me why I started this blog in the first place.. to jot down my journey away..

I am still away from home. FYI.

Maybe because that I have grew to be more familiar with this place than my home that's why I stopped and another reason was that I found myself instead of blogging about things, happenings etc.. I was whinning!!!! I am still whinning... but in a different perspective now.

I grew weary of hoping for a transfer
I grew weary of those annoying patients
I grew weary of trying to improve myself at work because it's rather impossible
I grew weary of complaining why am I placed here
I grew weary of the "different" life here
I grew weary being depressed why I am the last one left
I grew weary being jealous of people who gets their transfers just because they have psychotic mothers or dying fathers

I realised that you do not let 'chance' and 'circumstances' deter you from being happy
I realised that you do not beg and wait for something to be given to you
I realised that you have to MAKE the change yourself, like it or not
I realised that there is no reason to put your fate in other peoples hands, you have to determine where your life is heading, not them, no one!
I realised that you cannot be too complacent
I realised too that the world is really damn unfair
I realised that I grew up.........

posted by Charis at 9:42:00 pm | (2) comments
