part of my world


Tuesday, December 27, 2005

The beginning of an end

I must admit that I was somewhat excited about starting the semester. No, I am not ready to go back to uni but I kinda miss all those nerd action and my friends. Maybe it's because it IS the last semester of my final year!

In true UCSI style, the day started with the 9am class being cancelled only to be told at 9.30am. Classic.

Then come 11am - GMP. Aha.. The first person to enter the room was none other than the one that I thought I got rid of last year. As usual, throughout the hour I was hearing voices only.

Next, 12pm - GMP. Still hearing voices.

Looking bleak already.

Lastly, 4pm - GMP again. At last! Someone who talks clearly enough for those boring boring topics to penetrate my cranium.. for the first 30 minutes.

GMP is sucky. And it's only on the first day, and those labs have not even begun!

posted by Charis at 5:07:00 am | (0) comments


Monday, December 26, 2005

A Christmas tale

A few months back, I was standing in front of a mirror in Theme deciding real hard, fighting a mind battle of practicality vs preferability - champagne or maroon?

Practicality won eventually and I got champagne but somehow it's jealous twin, maroon seems to be lurking and leering everytime I walk into Theme.

Then yesterday, Cheryl passed me a nicely wrapped red box. Felt like a shoe box.. uhuh..

To my uttermost surprise, it's maroon

edit: didn't include pic as well

Haha. Welcome to the family!!

God bless her =)


God is indeed Almighty. Sprained my toe while practising yesterday. The next day it hurts like crap and decides to swell up. Of all days, it has to happen at such a time. Couldn't really move properly let alone dance, but nothing can stand in God's way. I was limping my way to the stage and when the chords to 'Angels from the Realms of Glory' were played, I took my first step. Am amazed and in awe. My feet wasn't stiff and it doesn't hurt. It felt normal. I could move and execute steps like I was never injured. Praise God!

A belated MERRY CHRISTMAS to all~~

posted by Charis at 4:41:00 am | (0) comments


Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Of drugs and glass slippers

Community clerkship isn't as bad as I've expected it to be. Mainly, because

  1. The pharmacist is really nice and helpful (he too hails from USM.. *it's a small world afterall~~*)
  2. The place is air-conditioned (THANK goodness! but it can be bad when it's rainy, poor me was shivering)
  3. It was fun watching how all those loaded mrs splash their cash
  4. And the best of all, I was there only 4 hours a day, 5 days a week!


What did I get from it? other than the expected knowledge to crap up a report

  1. A whole collection of brochures (they can be quite interesting when no one is free to talk to you)
  2. A RM 117.40 Seretide inhaler to play "puff-me-up" with
  3. Free health magazine to oogle at
  4. Freebies from suppliers

Don't you just love the word, free?

There goes 2 weeks which is equivalent to half of my holidays. As if to make up for my deprivation, I went on a shoe rampage! Bought 5 pairs throughout this hols. 4 of them on 2 consecutive days. Talk about madness. Before you crucify me, it's 50% off.. all of them! It'll be an absolute sin if u don't possess them. Look,

edit: I didn't include the pics here due to laziness.. To oogle at them, you can go to the old blog for now

So, tell me, can't resist rite?

posted by Charis at 4:27:00 am | (0) comments


Friday, December 09, 2005

Only 6.25mg

The discovery occurred when I was chatting with the pharmacist during my (now second) community pharmacy attachment.

It's bout this little pill...

Discovery on Day 1: Sildenafil

First, it was developed for some heart disease.

Then it was found to be more of use for ED. Hence the sole indication for now.

Today, I heard that a patient uses it to lower BP... effectively.

Case-report: He was on antihypertensives combo but despite that, his BP readings spikes. Then he found that by taking 6.25mg (a quarter of a tab) of sildenafil and his BP dropped 10 mmHg after just 2 hours (talk about fast onset of action).

posted by Charis at 1:55:00 am | (0) comments


Monday, December 05, 2005

Curiosity of the day

I am curious.

Why is it so difficult for some people to apologise?

Would it hurt their E.G.O flashing so prominently across their forehead in neon green?

Would it make them feel weak, succumbing to admitting their mistakes or weaknesses?

Would it make them lose their air of superiority, so thick that you can slice it with a knife?

Would it wake them up from their surreal dream of I-Am-A-PERFECT-donkey being?

Would by saying those words cause them a bad case of warts spelling L.O.S.E.R across their nose?

As you and I know, many types of people make up the world. Variety, we call it. Kills the monotony. That's what makes the world oh so interesting ;->

posted by Charis at 4:57:00 am | (0) comments


Saturday, December 03, 2005

Surprise, surprise...

Yeps.. I don't know how this happened. It was a rather impulsive thought.. followed by equally impulsive action (of course), i started my very own blog.

Initially thought i would only consider starting one if and when the MOH posts me to some Timbuktuland for my government service so i can rant about:

  1. the hospital (workload)
  2. the people (helpful vs. obstinate)
  3. the food (vege alert!)
  4. the accomodation (no cockroaches please)
  5. the neighbourhood (karaoke neighbours vs. renovating neighbours)
  6. the weather (it's different from KL!)
  7. the shopping facilities (survival essential), and
  8. how i will appreciate good ol' KL ..

but as "life is unpredictable".. so is my fickle mind. Therefore, this bloggy thingy might just stop as impulsively as i started it. We shall see..

posted by Charis at 1:07:00 am | (0) comments
