part of my world


Monday, February 13, 2006

Reports, reports, reports... you want one?

I need to rant!

First of all, Friendster's blog sucks! and yes, I am using it because blogspot doesn't give me the name I want and I am too lazy to beautify my blogspot (yes, i DO have a blogspot account). Nevermind that, that's not the topic i wanna rant about..

You see, people would think that when you are in your final year.. things would be rather sweet.. as in all the shit-tasting crap would be done by then. What more when you are in the final semester. Things SHOULD be steady-flowing where you just sit your ass down and wait for graduation day. But NOooo..

Heck, what was I thinking?

They will make hell for you before they let you go.

You see, last sem was like hoola-day.. shockingly with 7 subjects

So, what more when there are only 4 subjects this sem?? We might as well go look for a part-time job right. (that is before i discover GMP has lab)

First, discovering they are STILL making us do stupid stupid things like GMP lab. Yes, i am still complaining about GMP lab. The first one, they make us pour sand and lactose into some long funnel and WATCH it flow out. Next, they make us pile up sand and then again.. WATCH it flow and measure the darn anthill it formed. I mean WHAAaaaaart?? The best one was just last week. Counting powders. Yes, you heard me right. We are to count at least 600 phreaking micrometer particles under the bright microscope light. Talk about wasting time. That's as if not enough time is wasted, we have to produce some convincing report.. HANDWRITTEN! (graphs inclusive). We are in technology-age now, right?? Right? Or is it just me living in the future? Oi.. heard of computer ar? All I can say is thank goodness for seniors.. They are the best!

Next, clerkships! Some are rather fun whereas some are just.. as someone put it.. a joke. It's getting boring.. maybe because we have so much things to worry about that clerkship seems to take up a lifetime! After Thursday, the following common adverse effects are noticable:

  • fatigue (100% prevalence)
  • irritable
  • stressed out
  • headache from staring too much at the computer screen "reading" endless journals
  • absence from classes (especially Friday's AT)
  • somnolence
  • poor orientation of time and day
  • Alzheimer-like symptoms
  • rare but life-threatening: there are some reports of increased risk and incidence of acne eruptions after visitations to ward due to high bacterial concentration in the environment.

and then of course, the lengthy report that follows.

By now, you would have realised that anything done outside Room 209 or 210 (that is our classrooms).. will require a REPORT =)

Then, as tradition, we still have quizes. This time the quizes for the two 4 units subjects are scheduled back to back, stuck in between clerkships and stupid GMP lab. I really hope that a day has 100 hours..

As if our lives are not miserable enough..

We are supposed to head to the radiopharmacy department on a field trip and then... yes, a report again.

Then just today, we are required to do another reee...port on community bla bla bla on a certain disease or condition.. due next month, in the middle of quizes.

Now who wants some more reports??????

(gee Charis.. complain while you can.. after this May, you'll probably be begging to do reports and play those sand instead)

I don't mind doing them but I need TIME!!!


I was wondering if there is such a profession call crapologist.. I think I am gaining enough experience to apply for that position. Come to think of it, I am more trained in this field during these 4 years than anything else..

posted by Charis at 3:24:00 am
