part of my world


Tuesday, May 09, 2006

SPA interview

The SPA interview is over!! Phew...

SPA means Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Awam. I am to embarked on my 1+3 compulsory government service. Like any other job, you need to go for an interview. So basically, SPA interview is as simple as a job interview complicated by the fact that I am ignorant to the Parliament happenings.

The day before was extremely stressful.. I actually thought it was much more stressful than preparing for finals.
It's kinda funny. I was initially very relax until i hear stories that they ask questions. Things like 9MP, ecomomic plans, and those politic stuff which to a scientifically trained student would sound like Urdu. Like why on earth am I being asked about that? That's not pharmacy...!!

See.. we are that narrow..

So hence the night before I was plopped in front of the internet reading the 9MP, finding out who are the ministers, whether they are Yang Berbahagia or Yang Berhormat, or Yang AMAT Berhormat, trying (but failed) to memorize visions and missions of respective bodies.. learning about the Parliament, Rukun Negara (which thanks to WL, i didn't know it was more than those 5 lines.. hehe)... basically a very patriotic night for me and if i were a chameleon, i would end up having the Jalur Gemilang all over my body already.

Arrived at Putrajaya the next day and everyone was so jittery. I tell you, this is the worst! It's even worse than piano exams! The waiting was horrible.

Then i realised something. This is so weird and mad. I looked around and realised that we were the only mad ones there holding notes.. yes, notes.. and chanting whereas other people (who are there for other positions) were looking dead bored. Talk about stressing yourself out! Hehe.

Come 8 am, it claimed its first victim. We watched the digital clock on the wall... 8.10... 8.15... 8.18.. finally, KV walks out.. telling us the interviewers are friendly and it's not that bad.. some relief..

Me number was 0808 (someone said can go buy 4D). haha. I was the 8th in row. Everyone came out of the room stating one common question, how are the laws in Malaysia passed? and what happens if the Agong disagrees with it? So it's true, they DO ask these kinda questions.

So when it was my turn, the same question was thrown to me and the guy said wow, you guys seem very rehearsed with that answer. you must be discussing outside from the way i hear you answer...


But all in all, it was okay.. they said i was in there for a long long time.. but it doesn't feel so when you are inside. They are nice people. Really..

So hopefully I didn't screw up.

As HY said, they will not fail you because they need people to work in the hosp.. haha

I hope she is right *fingers crossed*

posted by Charis at 6:03:00 am
