part of my world


Tuesday, March 28, 2006

The job application

I've finally put down my 3 choices.. it was a real debate right up to the very end.. mainly because I forgotten all about it. Teehehe. Thank goodness my carpool partner asked.. if not, i would have handed in a blank form which it could result in 3 possible outcomes:
  1. if they are nice : they'll call me up and ask me what are my choices
  2. if they are smart : they'll inteprete it as I don't mind to be posted anywhere (which is very dangerous!)
  3. if they are mean : they'll throw my form into the bin and I'll be wondering when my interview letter will arrive.

HUKM is a certain choice (though no high hopes coz half the class is applying there)

Then it was either another KL hosp or Hosp Melaka? Then i decided Melaka would be a bit too far.. so it's another KL hosp.. but which one? GKHL which is a madhouse? or Hosp Selayang which is lightyears away? I was unwilling to travel an hour everyday to get to work and another to reach my den. So it was GHKL.

3rd choice was Hosp Seremban (which one third of the class is applying also)

Then comes the reason.. what 'alasan' la? Then someone taught me.. Berkhidmat dalam negeri sendiri.. I taught that sounds noble.. but then what about Seremban?? that's not negeri sendiri..

Then another someone taught me .. Menimba pengalaman berkhidmat di negeri lain tetapi masih berdekatan dengan rumah... FOOIYOH!!!

I felt so noble!

posted by Charis at 12:01:00 am
