part of my world


Thursday, April 20, 2006

GMP is over!

ahh.. what a great relief. a heavy burden lifted off my shoulders. stupid GMP paper is finally over and done with. phew!
i am still laughing at the fact that packaging came out despite it not being in the USM notes and better still, not even mentioned in the syllabus. there i was reading about paper and wood packaging (whoever heard of packing your pharmaceuticals in a wood?) and there the exam paper asking about plastic and glass

mind you, 5 frigging questions somemore!

pretty glad i didn't crack my poor fractured skull on that cohesive powder nonsense! some londar alah la, berjungkir balik la and la la la....

and the skull was fractured because i read stupid compaction and compression and wasted hours practising graphs which none even make the tiniest presence! so much for the thrill of seeing the probability-log graph paper there and marking my territory on it only to realised that they decided papers are really cheap. giving us an assortment of graph papers for no apparent reason.

but nevermind, it's over... couldn't be bothered anymore.


yesterday when i was studying for doink doink GMP, i was so bored that i started cutting up rough papers. then i realised among the thick stack of rough papers are my applied therapeutic notes (which the paper was on monday). HAHA. no wonder i don't have my schizo notes. hahaha

exam makes you insane

and Vivian, thanks for the stress reliever msg. i ended up laughing my heads off!


i couldn't believe it!

it's Bocelli week next, on American Idol!

i still can't believe it!

i am crossing my fingers, toes, and every crossable limbs that he'll perform on Thursday.. please please pleeeease..
and i'll watch every repeat there is

he IS performing!OOOOoolaaa~~~

posted by Charis at 11:31:00 pm
